Aurora Vocational Services (AVS)
Since 1998, Aurora Vocational Services (AVS) has helped individuals with developmental disabilities become an integral part of their communities. Our innovative day centers and other vocational services promote the development of social and life skills, identification of vocational opportunities, and participation in community activities and events. AVS provides a flexible and individualized atmosphere conducive to personal growth and development.
Aurora offers a full range of vocational services designed to help individuals identify their interests and pursue employment opportunities that they find personally satisfying. We also help employers fulfill unmet staffing needs while reducing their costs.

Situational Assessments / Supported Employment Assessments
A comprehensive individualized assessment may consist of an interest inventory, job tryouts, work experiences, simulated work tasks, and a social/employment history review. Aurora's assessments are personalized to focus on consumers' areas of interest, needs, and skill levels. Upon completion of the assessment, a staffing is held with the consumer and his/her team to develop a vocational plan.
Job Development and Placement
Working as a team, Aurora assists the consumer to obtain employment that will best match the consumer's interest and skills. A customized job search plan will identify objectives to achieve employment goals. Aurora contacts employers, schedules employment tours, interviews and develops job opportunities.
Job Coaching Supports - Short- and Long-Term
After employment is obtained, Aurora can provide a qualified job coach to monitor progress, establish natural supports, and provide needed assistance and instruction to ensure successful employment.

Employer Benefits
Employing an individual with a physical or developmental disability can reduce your labor costs, free up your skilled workers, provide coverage for difficult-to-fill positions, and reduce your training expenses. A customized needs analysis can be conducted to determine how one of our pre-screened and qualified clients can help support your business.
For a list of current employers we are working with, click on the link below.

Day Centers
Most individuals with pervasive medical, physical, or behavioral needs do not require institutional care in order to function successfully in the community. Some individuals don’t qualify for traditional work centers or supported employment sites and so have historically been unable to receive vocational assistance due to their unique needs.
In response to the growing demand for innovative, nontraditional, and cost-effective vocational services, our specialized day centers were developed in locations throughout Wisconsin.

AVS Locations
Click on the location for a map, address, and local phone number.
Aurora Day Centers are located in the following locations. Click on the city for address, phone number, and directions.
Employment Services offices are located in:
Eau Claire
La Crosse
New Richmond
Employment Services are currently being provided to the following counties:
Barron, Chippewa, Eau Claire, Dunn, La Crosse, Lincoln, Marathon, Pierce, Polk, Portage, St. Croix, and Wood.